Home to the fans of humanist modernism

Thursday 1 May 2008

Talking of 'The Byker Phoenix'

I guess it would be good if The Ralph Erskine Society had a web based newsletter. This could cover the residents of ALL of his developments.

But it would also be good to have a local newsletter for The Byker Redevelopment, written and produced by residents. This could be the new Byker Phoenix. Cool, eh? Will have to think more of this and have a look at the old ones to see what kind of thing they covered. How often could be produce one? Say every 2 months? What's happening in Byker, what groups are active, housing issues, environment, all those local things.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi bykercolin:
mi name is Adrian Latzke Blake, I´m an architecture student in Buenos Aires, argentina, and right now I´m starting a project on social housing and therefore I´m studing Byker Redevelopment in Newcastle. As it seems you know something about it, I ws wondering if you can tell me where I can get some information about the way Ralph Erskine managged with the participation of the people of Byker in the design process of the housing. I´m planning to develop something participative too (at least the idea as it`s only a project for the U) and I´m really looking forward to knowing as much as I can about the way he did it. Thanks a lot, and congrtatulation for the pics you posted in flickr, the`re really good!